भवान्यष्टकम् - Bhagwat Vandana

Tuesday, December 25, 2018



तातो माता बन्धुर दाता
पुत्रो पुत्री भृत्यो भर्ता।
जाया विद्या वृत्तिर्ममैव
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानी ॥१॥

भवाब्धावपारे महादुःखभीरु:
पपात प्रकामीप्रलोभी प्रमत्तः।
कुसंसारपाशप्रबद्धः सदाहं
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानी ॥२॥

जानामिदानं ध्यानयोगं
जानामितन्त्रं स्तोत्रमन्त्रम्।
जानामिपूजां न्यासयोगम्
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानी ॥३॥

जानामिपुण्यं जानामितीर्थं
जानामिमुक्तिं लयं वाकदाचित्।
जानामिभक्तिं व्रतं वापि मातर
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानी ॥४॥

कुकर्मी कुसङ्गी कुबुद्धिःकुदासः
कुलाचारहीनः कदाचारलीनः।
कुदृष्टिः कुवाक्यप्रबन्धः सदाहम्
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानी ॥५॥

प्रजेशं रमेशं महेशंसुरेशं
दिनेशं निशीथेश्वरं वाकदाचित्।
जानामिचान्यत् सदाहं शरण्ये
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानी ॥६॥

विवादे विषादे प्रमादेप्रवासे
जले चानलेपर्वते शत्रुमध्ये।
अरण्ये शरण्ये सदामां प्रपाहि
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानी ॥७॥

अनाथो दरिद्रो जरारोगयुक्तो
महाक्षीणदीनः सदा जाड्यवक्त्रः।
विपत्तौ प्रविष्टः प्रनष्टःसदाहम्
गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानी ॥८॥

तातो माता बन्धुर् दाता पुत्रो पुत्री भृत्यो भर्ता जाया विद्या वृत्तिर्ममैव गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वंत्वमेका भवानि ॥१॥

1.1: Neither the Father, nor the Mother; Neither the Relation and Friend, nor the Donor,  1.2: Neither the Son, nor the Daughter; Neither the Servant, nor the Husband,
1.3: Neither the Wife, nor the (worldly) Knowledge; Neither my Profession,
1.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

भवाब्धावपारेमहा दुःख भीरुपपात प्रकामी प्रलोभीप्रमत्तः कुसंसारपाश प्रबद्धः सदाहंगतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि॥२॥ 

2.1: In this Ocean of Worldly Existence which is Endless, I am full of Sorrow and Very much Afraid,
2.2: I have Fallen with Excessive Desires and Greed, Drunken and Intoxicated,
2.3: Always Tied in the Bondage of this miserable Samsara (worldly existence),
2.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

जानामि दानं ध्यान योगं जानामि तन्त्रं स्तोत्रमन्त्रम् जानामि पूजां न्यास योगं गतिस्त्वंगतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥३॥

3.1: Neither do I know Charity, nor Meditation and Yoga,
3.2: Neither do I know the practice of Tantra, nor Hymns and Prayers,
3.3: Neither do I know Worship, nor dedication to Yoga,
3.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

जानामि पुण्यं जानामि तीर्थ जानामिमुक्तिं लयं वाकदाचित् जानामि भक्तिं व्रतं वापिमातार् गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानि ॥४॥

4.1: Neither do I Know Virtuous Deeds, nor Pilgrimage,
4.2: I do not know the way to Liberation, and with little Concentration and Absorption, 4.3: I know neither Devotion, nor Religious Vows; Nevertheless Oh Mother,
4.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

कुकर्मी कुसङ्गी कुबुद्धिः कुदासःकुलाचार हीनः कदाचारलीनः कुदृष्टिःकुवाक्य प्रबन्धः सदाहं गतिस्त्वंगतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥५॥

5.1: I performed Bad Deeds, associated with Bad Company, cherished Bad Thoughts, have been a Bad Servant,
5.2: I did not perform my Traditional Duties, deeply engaged in Bad Conducts,
5.3: My eyes Saw with Bad Intentions, tongue always Spoke Bad Words,
5.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

प्रजेशं रमेशं महेशं सुरेशंदिनेशं निशीथेश्वरं वा कदाचित् जानामिचान्यत् सदाहं शरण्ये गतिस्त्वंगतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥६॥

6.1: Little do I know about The Lord of Creation (Brahma), The Lord of Ram (Goddess Lakshmi) (Vishnu), The Great Lord (Shiva), The Lord of the Devas (Indra),
6.2: The Lord of the Day (Surya) or The Lord of the Night (Chandra),
6.3: I do not know about other gods, but always seeking Your Refuge,
6.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

विवादे विषादे प्रमादे प्रवासेजले चानले पर्वतेशत्रुमध्ये अरण्येशरण्ये सदा मांप्रपाहि गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेकाभवानि ॥७॥

7.1: During Dispute and Quarrel, during Despair and Dejection, during Intoxication and Insanity, in Foreign Land,
7.2: In Water, and Fire, in Mountains and Hills, amidst Enemies,
7.3: In Forest, please Protect me,
7.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

अनाथो दरिद्रो जरारोग युक्तोमहाक्षीण दीनः सदाजाड्य वक्त्रः विपत्तौ प्रविष्टः प्रनष्टः सदाहंगतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि॥८॥

8.1: I am Helpless, Poor, Afflicted by Old Age and Disease,
8.2: Very Weak and Miserable, always with a Pale Countenance,
8.3: Fallen Asunder, Always surrounded by and Lost in Troubles and Miseries,
8.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

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@Bhagwat Vandana