Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutram - Bhagwat Vandana

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutram

Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutram in Sanskrit

prajna paramita hridaya sutra 
(perfect wisdom heart sutra) 

aryavalokitesvaro bodhisattvo 
(Saintly Avalokateshvara bodhisattva) 

gambhiram prajnaparamita caryam caramano vyavalokayati 
(deep perfect wisdom action perform luminously) 

sma panca skandhas tams ca sva bhava sunyam 
(saw five bundles them own nature empty) 

pasyati sma iha sariputra 
(crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty. Shariputra:) 

rupam sunyata (...) va rupam rupan na prithak 
(form emptiness evidently form form not different) 

sunyata sunyataya na prithag rupam 
(emptiness emptiness not different form) 

yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata sa rupam 
(this form that emptiness this emptiness that form) 

evam eva vedana samjna samskara vijnanam 
(like this feeling thought choice consiousness) 

iha sariputra sarva dharma sunyata 
(oh Sariputra all dharmas emptiness) 

laksana anutpanna anruddha avmala anuna aparpurna 
(mark not born not pure not increase not decrease ?) 

ta (...) sariputra sunyatayam 
(therefore Sariputra in the middle of emptiness) 

na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskara na vijnana 
(no form no feeling no thought no choice no consciousness) 

na caksuh srotam na ghrana jihva kaya manah 
(no eye ear no nose tongue body mind) 

na rupa sabda gandha rasa spistavya dharmah 
(no form sound smell taste touch dharmas) 

na caksur dhatur ya van na mano vijnanam dhatur 
(no eye-area up to no mind-consciousness area) 

na vidya na vidya na vidya ksayo na(*) vidya ksayo 
(no clarity no clarity no clarity exhaustion no clarity exhaustion) 

ya van jaramaranam na jaramarana ksayo 
(up to old age no old age exhaustion) 

na duhkha samudaya nirdoha margajna 
(no suffering end of suffering path) 

na jnanam na prapti na bhismaya tasmai na prapti 
(no knowledge no ownership no witnessing no thing to own) 

tvad bodhisattva prajnaparamita asritya 
(therefore bodhisattva perfect wisdom dwells) 

viha ratya citta varano vidya ksayo na vidya ksayo 
(in dwell thought no obstacle clarity exhaustion not clairty exhaustion) 

ya van jaramaranam na jaramarana ksayo 
(up to old age no old age exhaustion) 

na duhkha samudaya nirodha margajna 
(no suffering end of suffering path) 

na jnanam na prapti na bhismaya tasmai na prapti 
(no knowledge no property no witnessing no thing to own) 

tvad bodhisattvanam prajnaparamita asritya 
(therefore bodhisattva perfect wisdom dwells) 

viha ratya citta varano citta varano 
(in dwell thought no obstacle thought no obstacle) 

na siddhitvad atrasto vipa ryasa ti kranto 
(no existence fear fright inverse reverse ? separate) 

ni stha nirvana tya dha vyava sthitah 
(perfectly stands nirvana three worlds thing experiences) 

sarva buddhah prajnaparamitam asritya 
(all buddhas perfect wisdom dwell) 

(a?)nuttaram samyaksambodhim abdhisambuddhah 
(unexcelled ultimate perfect insight together ? buddhas) 

ta smai jnata vyam 
(therefore should know ?) 

prajna paramita maha mantram maha vidyamantram 
(perfect wisdom great charm great clear charm) 

anuttara mantram asamasama mantram 
(unexcelled charm unequalled equal charm) 

sarva duhkha prasa manam sa tyam ami thyatvat 
(all suffering stop terminate genuine real not vain) 

prajna paramita yam ukto mantrah tadyatha 
(perfect wisdom declaired charm saying) 


(gone gone totally gone totally completely gone enlightened so be it) 


Namo Ratna Trayāya, (homage to the triple gem)
Namah Aryā Jñāna Sāgara, (homage to the ocean of noble wisdom)
Vairocana, (the illuminator)
Vyuharajāya (to the king of the host [also the name of a bodhisattva])
Tathagatāya, (to the tathagata)
Arhate, (to the arhat)
Samyak sambuddhāya, (to the perfectly awakened one)
Nama Sarva TathagatebhyaH (homage to all tathagatas)
ArhatebhyaH, (to the arhats)
Samyak SambuddhebhyaH, (to the fully and perfectly awakened ones)
Nama Aryā Avalokiteshvarāya (homage to noble Avalokitesvara)
Bodhisattvāya, (to the bodhisattva)
Maha Sattvāya, (to the great being)
Maha Karunikāya, (to the greatly compassionate one)
Tadyatha (thus): Om Dhāra Dhāra, (bearing)
Dhīri Dhīri, (firm)
Dhuru Dhuru (bearing a burden)
Itte Vatte, (??)
Cale Cale, (moving, trembling, shaking)
Pracale Pracale, (moving, trembling, shaking)
Kusume (in flower)
Kusume Vare, (in the circumference)
Hili Mili (??)
Citi Jvālam, (blazing understanding)
Apanaye Svāhā. (leading away) hail!



Eleven Faced Avalokitesvara Dharani | 
Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani Sutra.

The Great Compassion Mantra Sanskrit. This is the version of The Great Compassion Mantra in Sanskrit, or Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani Sutra.

Om Bekandze Bekandze 
Maha Bekandze 
Radza Samudgate Soha

May the sentient beings 
who are sick, 
quickly be freed from sickness. 
And may all the sicknesses of beings 
Never arise again.


To clarify: The Sanskrit roots of the word Mantra comes from manas (mind) or man- (to think) and -tra (instrument or tool), which could be translated as "instrument of thought" or "object of mind", for the purpose of meditation. And, in accordance with the Buddha's Sutras and teachings, when Buddha Gautama used the word "mantra", he did not use it narrowly, in the sense of it being merely syllables or words to be recited (as it is commonly understood now), but rather as any object of meditation (samadhi, concentration) to be brought to the forefront of mind.

In the case of this sutra, it is rather clearly talking about insight meditation (vipasyana/vipassana) as the mantra of prajna paramita (wisdom perfection); this is easily discernible due to the beginning of the sutra mentioning achieving the final goal of enlightenment by penetrating the truth of the 5 aggregates (matter/form, consciousness, feeling, perception, volitional formation) via direct wisdom (insight) and 'seeing' (pasyati) that they are all empty (anitya, anatman, duhkha- the three characteristics / trilakṣaṇa).

Thus, the last lines of the sutra would be better understood as:

"Therefore Prajna Paramita (the perfection of wisdom /  Insight meditation) should be recognized as the great practice (meditative contemplation), the practice of great wisdom, the most sublime practice, the incomparable practice (meditative contemplation), and the alleviator of all suffering, It is Truth by virtue of its nonfalsehood. That is why the practice of insight was referred to as the going beyond, the great going beyond, to Enlightenment."

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