Saturday, August 25, 2018



"When the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara." "Was Coursing in the Deep Prajna Paramita." "He Perceived That All Five Skandhas Are Empty." "Thus He Overcame All Ills and Suffering." "Oh, Sariputra, Form Does not Differ From Emptiness, And Emptiness Does Not Differ From Form. Form itself is Emptiness and Emptiness itself is Form; The Same is True For Feelings, Perceptions, Volitions and Consciousness." "Sariputra, the Characteristics of Emptiness of All Dharmas Are Non-Arising, Non-Ceasing, Non-Defiled, Non-Pure, Non-Increasing, Non-Decreasing." "Therefore, in Emptiness There Are No Forms,  No Feelings, Perceptions, Volitions or Consciousness." "No Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, Body or Mind; No Form, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch or Mind Object; No Realm of the Eye, Until We Come to No realm of Consciousness." "No ignorance and Also No Ending of Ignorance,  Until We Come to No Old Age and Death and  No Ending of Old Age and Death." "Also, There is No Truth of Suffering, Of the Cause of Suffering, Of the Cessation of Suffering, Nor of the Path." "There is No Wisdom, and There is No Attainment Whatsoever." "Because There is Nothing to Be Attained, The Bodhisattva Relying On Prajna Paramita Has No Obstruction in His Mind." "Because There is No Obstruction, He Has no Fear,"  "And He passes Far Beyond Confused Imagination." "And Reaches Ultimate Nirvana." "The Buddhisattvas of the Past, Present and Future, By Relying on Prajna Paramita Have Attained Supreme Enlightenment." "Therefore, the Prajna Paramita is the Great Mantra, The Mantra of Illumination, the Supreme Spell, Which Can Truly Protect One From All Suffering Without Fail." "Therefore He Uttered the Mantra of Prajnaparmita, Saying: "Gatte, Gatte, Paragatte, Parasamgatte, Bodhi Svaha"."
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A-ri-a-wa-lo-ki-te-swa-ra Bo-di-sat-twa Gam-bi-ram  Pra-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta Cha-ryam Cha-ra-ma-no Vy-a-wa-lo-ki-te sma Pan-cha Skan-dah Ah-sam-ts-cha Swa-ba-va-sun-ni-an Pa-sia-ti-sma I-ha sa-ri-pu-tra Ru-pam Sun-niat Sun-ny-a-ta-wa-ru-pam Ru-pan-na Pri-ta Sun-ny-a-ta Sun-nya-taya Na Pri-sha Ru-pam, Ya-ru-pam Sa Sun-nya-ta Ya Sun-nya-ta sa Ru-pam E-vam e-va ve-da-na Sam-ja Sam-ska-ra Vi-nha-nam I-ha Sa-ri-pu-tra Sa-va-dah-ma Sun-nya-ta-lak-cha-na, A-nu-pa-na, A-ni-ru-da, A-ma-la A-vi-ma-la, A-nun-na A-pa-ri-pu-na Tas-ma Cha-ri-pu-tra Sun-nya-tayam Na Ru-pam Na Ve-da-na Na Sam-jna Na Sam-ska-ra Na Vi-nha-nam. Na Cha-su So-tra Gra-na Ji-va Kaya Ma-nam-si Na Ru-pa Sab-da Gan-da Ra-sa Spra-sta-vy-a Da-mah Na Cha-su Da-tu Ya-van Na Ma-no-vi-nha-na Da-tu Na A-vi-dya Cha-yo Ya-van Na Ja-ra Ma-ra-nam Na Ja-ra Ma-ra-na Cha-yo Na Du-kha Sam-mu-da-ya Ni-ro-da Ma-ga Na jna-nam Na Pra-ti Na A-p-ra-ti Tas-ma Cha-ri-pu-tra A-pra-ti-va Bo-di-sat-twa-si-a Pras-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta A-sri-tya Vi-ha-ra-tya-si-ta-a-va-ra-na Si-ta-a-va-ra-na Na-sti-va A-tras-tro Vi-pa-ry-a-sa A-ti-kran-to Nis-sha Ni-va-na Pra-tah Try-a-dva-vi-ava-sti-ta Sa-va-bu-da Pra-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta As-ri-tia A-nu-ta-ram Sam-yak-sam-bo-di A-bi-sam-bo-dah Tas-ma Jna-ta-vy-am Pras-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta Ma-ha man-tra Ma-ha-vi-dya man-tra Nu-ta-ra-man-tra Sam-a-sa-ma-man-tra Sa-va Du-kha Pra-sam-ma-na Sa-tyam A-mi-tia-twa Pras-nha-pa-ra-mi-ta U-to man-tra Ta-dya-tha: Ga-te Ga-te Pa-ra-ga-te Pa-ra-sam-ga-te Bo-di-swa-ha

Arya-avalokitesvara bodhisattva gambhiram prajnaparamita caryam caramano, Vyavalokite sma panca-skandha asatta sca, svabhava sunyam pasyati sma, Iha sariputra rupam sunyam sunyataiva rupam Rupan na vrtta sunyata sunyataya na vrtta sa rupam, Yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata sa rupam, Ivam iva vedana-samjna-samskara-vijnanam. Iha sariputra sarva-dharmah sunyata-laksana, Anutpanna aniruddha, amala avimala, anuna aparipurnah. Tasmat sariputra sunyatayam na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskarah na vijnanam. Na caksuh-srotra-ghrana-jihva-kaya-amanamsa na rupam-sabda-gandha-rasa-sprastavya-dharmah. Na caksur-dhatur yavat na manovijnana-dhatuh na-avidya na-avidya-ksayo yavat na jaramarana na jara-marana-ksayo.  Na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-marga.  Na jnanam, na praptir na abhi-samaya Tasmat apraptitvad bodhisattva prajnaparamitam asritya vibarata citta-avaranah citta-avarana-nashitvad atrasto Viparyasa-ati-kranta nistha-nirvana. Tri-adhva-vyavasthitah sarva-buddhah prajnaparamitam asritya-anut-tara samyaksambodhi abhisambuddhah. Tasmat jnatavyam prajnaparamita maha-mantra mahavidya-mantra anuttara-mantra asama-samani mantrah, Sarva-duhkha-prasamanah, satyam amithyatvat. Prajnaparamita mukha mantrah. Tadyatha   GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI SVAHA


From a tear drop of Avalokitesvara
You came to us -
Beautiful, tranquil, loving and kind,
Oh Tara,
In you I seek refuge.

We hide behind our masks
Of indifference or toughness,
We try hard to do the things
That gives us comfort;
We try to numb the pain
And to delay the time of death,
And yet some of us indulge
To hasten our own deaths.
We pretend that we can cope
When we are falling apart;
We avoid eye contact with each other
In fear of revealing our hearts.
Oh Tara,
In you I seek refuge.
We hide behind a façade of busyness;
Artists filling their canvases with paint,
Indignant activists fighting for change,
Designers showing off their latest creations
For those who live for trends,
Humanitarians desperately helping the desperate,
Not wasting a moment in just staying still;
Cruel dictators ordering soldiers to kill
Anyone that they regard as enemies;
Politicians prioritising popularity
Above their true conscience;
Confused and lost,
Some of us wander around
Hearing voices in our heads,
Some of us seek safety in our
Little worlds of self indulgence;
Collecting friends, admirers
Or inanimate objects.
Oh Tara,
In you I seek refuge.
How long do we have be like this?
How many lifetimes do we have to live
Before we find solace from this ocean of suffering?
Oh Tara,
In your loving smile
I seek refuge.

The goddess of Taaraa mantra is - 


This goddes can be found in the form of Mountain behind The Great Mount Kailash which is in China. Lat: 31- 05 N', Long: 81 - 20' E.

Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche mantra: 

Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Peme Siddhi Hung

Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum




Praise to Manjushri Bodhisattva:

"Wonderfully Auspicious" is replete with great kindness.
Mother of enlightened ones throughout the three periods of time, his wisdom is beyond measure.
His left hand brandishes a sharp sword that severs all afflictions;
And his right hand holds the blue lotus which reflects the mark of his virtue.
A peacock and lion-spirit act as his carriage,
Poisonous dragons and fierce beasts are subdued and become pure and cool.
The pure youth with the five topknots, this is a provisional manifestation.
Originally, he is the happy treasury of the Thus Come One.

Homage to Manjushri Bodhisattva of Great Wisdom, who dwells in the golden world of Pure Cool Mountain.

Homage to Wonderful Auspicious Bodhisattva.

Manjushri Bodhisattva's name is explained as "Wonderful Virtue" or "Wonderfully Auspicious." He is foremost in wisdom and holds the highest rank among the Bodhisattvas.

When Manjushri Bodhisattva was born, ten auspicious signs manifested and they represent the Ten Paramitas: giving, morality, patience, vigor, concentration, wisdom, skill in means, vows, determination, and knowledge.


Om A Ra Pa Sa Na Dhih

Below is the romanized Sanskrit version of the Heart-dhāraṇī of Avalokiteśvara-ekadaśamukha a.k.a Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara Heart Dharani Sutra:

[1]Namo Ratna Trayaya,

[2]Namo Arya Jnana Sagara, 





[7]Samyaksam Buddhaya,

[8]Namo Sarwa Tathagate Bhyay,

[9]Arahata Bhyah,

[10]Samyaksam Buddhe Bhyah,

[11]Namo Arya AvalokiteShoraya 


[13]Maha Sattvaya,

[14]Maha Karunikaya,

[15]Tadyata, Om Dara Dara,

[16]Diri Diri, 

[17]Duru Duru

[18]Itte We, Itte 

[19]Chale Chale,

[20]Purachale Purachale,


[22]Kusuma Wa Re,

[23]Ili Milli, 

[24]Chiti Jvalam, 

[25]Apanaye Shoha


[1] Homage to the triple gem

[2] Homage to the ocean of noble wisdom 
[3] The illuminator
[4] To the king of the host (also the name of a bodhisattva)
[5] To the tathagata
[6] To the arhat
[7] To the perfectly awakened one
[8] Homage to all tathagatas 
[9] To the arhats
[10] To the fully and perfectly awakened ones
[11] Homage to noble Avalokitesvara
[12] To the bodhisattva
[13] To the great being 
[14] to the greatly compassionate one
[15] Thus, bearing
[16] Firm
[17] Bearing a burden
[18] (??)
[19] Moving, trembling, shaking 
[20] Moving, trembling, shaking
[21] In flower
[22] In the circumference
[23] (??)
[24] Blazing understanding
[25] Leading away, hail! 

Additional Information:

Relationship to the Great Compassion Mantra -
It is generally believed that this dhāraṇī has no direct relationship with the The Great Compassion Mantra in Mahayana Buddhism. However, it is often falsely named as Tibetan Great Compassion Mantra (藏传大悲咒) or The Great Compassion Mantra in Sanskrit (梵音大悲咒) in Chinese-speaking regions.

Some people believe that this dhāraṇī is told by the Eleven-Faced Avalokitesvara, an esoteric bodhisattva in Tibetan Buddhism, and that it is the equivalent Tibetan version of The Great Compassion Mantra in Mahayana Buddhism. This is why it is often being referred to as Tibetan Great Compassion Mantra. However, this opinion is not accepted by most Mahayana Buddhists.


There was an old man who lived in a hut. Every morning he went to the street for alms. He never complained about his situations or his struggles. He took what was given without question. One day when the old man returning from his routine saw that the hut was taken by somebody else. Somebody else was eating his food and money he had little saved. Old man with compassion went inside the hut. The young beggar asked "who are you?" wrapping his hands around the food he found, old man replied I am you but in a different body. Old man took his robes and gave it to as well. Stranger instead of looking upon this as compassion took him as a meagerly fool. The young stranger snatched the clothes of his hands and stripped the old man from head to toe and took every bit of things he had left. Is that everything you have? he asked. Old man replied humbly "when you have everything you have nothing, and when you truly have nothing left you have everything. The boy was confused. The old man smiled and said, ignorant child you are trapped in an illusion that you cant see, feel or touch and bounded by invisible chains. Unless we realize who we truly are it wont matter what you own. He added even if you become richest of riches we will always be bounded by suffering. The young beggar froze and felt that he understood a little what old man was saying. Old man chanted "Gate Gate ParaGate ParaSamGate Bodhi Svaha.". "No treasure can compare to it, no money can buy it, no wealth can occupy it, no pleasure can satisfy it, no eyes can find it, no ears can hear it, no tongue can taste it, no hands can feel it, no mind can imagine it. Oh dear child what is this treasure? old man asked. Find thisfor we are born only to realize this. Young man's illusory world shattered, face bright and awakened. Old man bowed to him, said know thy self and vanished. 

Arya Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva gambhiram prajnaparamita caryam caramano vyavalokiti sma panca-skandha asatta sca svabhava sunyam pasyati sma Iha Sariputra, rupam sunyatam, sunyata iva rupam rupa na vrtta sunyata, sunyataya na vrtta sa-rupam yad rupam sa-sunyata ya sunyata sa-rupam Ivam iva vedana samjna sam-skara vijnanam Iha Sariputra sarva dharma sunyata-laksana anutpanna aniruddha amala a-vimala, anuna a-paripurna Tasmat Sariputra sunyatayam na rupam na vedana, na samjna na samskara, na vijnanam na caksu srotra ghrana jihva kaya manasa na rupam sabda gandha rasa sparstavya dharma na caksur-dhatu yavat na manovijnanam-dhatu na avidya, na avidya-ksayo yavat na jara-maranam na jara-marana ksayo na dukkha, samudaya, nirodha, marga na jnanam, na prapti, na abhi-samaya Tasmat na prapti tva bodhisattvanam prajna-paramitam a-sritya vi-haratya citta avarana citta avarana na shitva na trasto vi-pariyasa ati-kranta nistha nirvanam Tri-adhva vyavasthita sarva buddha prajna-paramitam a-sirtya anuttara-samyak-sambodhim abhi-sambuddha Tasmat jnatavyam prajna-paramita maha mantra maha-vidya mantra, anuttara mantra asama-samati mantra Sarva dukkha pra-samana satyam amithyatva prajna-paramita mukha mantra tadyata 



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@Bhagwat Vandana